[Ubuntu] Re: help creating a build recipie for GRASS 70

Johan Van de Wauw johan.vandewauw at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 05:46:14 EST 2011

A few comments:
first of all: disable the automatic building as long as it does not work.
It's a waste of resources to continue trying it until you have fixed the
issues, which is something you can test locally.

The error occurs at:

/usr/bin/make real-install
make[2]: Entering directory `/build/buildd/grass-7.0.0+0ubuntu2+23027~maverick1'
mkdir -p -m 755

mkdir -p -m 755 /usr/lib/bin
mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/lib/bin': Permission denied
make[2]: *** [/usr/lib/bin] Error 1

So you can look down in the makefiles where 'real-install' is defined.
that is at line 94:

real-install: | $(INST_DIR) $(UNIX_BIN)

The first one, inst_dir seems to be ok, the second one: unix_bin is not.
So try setting that one somewhere in your debian/rules file, like it is
currently set for BINDIR


On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 8:56 AM, Tim Michelsen
<timmichelsen at gmx-topmail.de>wrote:

> >> for GRASS 7.0.X
> >
> > ie trunk (unstable development)
> > 7.0.0 is a long way off.
> I know.
> But I wanna prepare daily-builds of what`s happening at the development.
> See, for the 6.4.X series I have a automatic daily build:
> https://launchpad.net/~grass/+archive/grass-stable<https://launchpad.net/%7Egrass/+archive/grass-stable>
> I would like to expand this to GRASS 7.0
> This would make new features easyly accessible to power users and testers
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