[Ubuntu] Re: installing mapserver on ubuntu 11.10

Alan Boudreault aboudreault at mapgears.com
Tue Nov 29 10:03:01 EST 2011

I doubt libhdf4-doc, hdf4-tools and ogdi-bin are required for MapServer. 
libhdf4-alt-dev is a build dependency of gdal, not mapserver. What's the 
issue? I'm not sure to understand what you are trying to do.


On 11-11-28 06:15 PM, melo wrote:
> How am I supposed to know that "libhdf4-doc libhdf4-alt-dev hdf4-tools and
> ogdi-bin" are required for Mapserver?  They aren't included in the built
> packages on launch pad or the Mapserver requirements page.
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