[Ubuntu] Package Updating

Lee muellerl at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 23:01:28 EDT 2012

I have no experience with this. That said, if the checklist were developed,
I would be happy to be one of the trainees to learn to do the more mundane

all the best,
Lee Mueller
ISA Certified Arborist
Registered Forester #46043

On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 4:09 PM, Alex Mandel <tech_dev at wildintellect.com>wrote:

> So I wanted to help get all the packages lined up for the Precise Pangolin
> release and was wondering if we have a simple checklist to follow for doing
> such things (eg. download file, change text in version, do a debuild and
> then a dput?). I'm talking about existing packages that are already
> working, though I assume some packages need dep changes (eg. geos).
> As a first step I attempted to copy packages from unstable to my personal
> ppa last night. Some of which worked, but clearly isn't right as the names
> say oneiric in them.
> https://launchpad.net/~**wildintellect/+archive/**wildintellect<https://launchpad.net/%7Ewildintellect/+archive/wildintellect>
> 2nd topic is that I'd like to help clean up and straighten out the
> packages we've got. For example, move Postgis 1.5 to stable and get Postgis
> 2.0 into unstable, GDAL 1.8 to stable, GDAL 1.9 to unstable, etc...
> I'm hoping that by learning to do the simple stuff and creating a
> checklist.
> 1. I can train more people to help do the mundane stuff
> 2. By handling the more mundane free up you packaging masters to handle
> the trickier stuff.
> Thanks,
> Alex
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