[Ubuntu] ubuntugis-unstable should have recent gdal

Alan Boudreault aboudreault at mapgears.com
Thu Feb 2 12:04:40 EST 2012

testing is not really maintained, I only use it for a few testing 
(rarely) so there not much there. stable PPA is only upgraded twice a 
year, or for security releases. It does not contain any oneiric packages 
because oneiric is new. and we do not push the packages since we don't 
know if they are *stable* since no user tested them at the moment of the 
upgrade. In april, the unstable-oneiric packages will be moved to stable.

gdal 1.9 has been pushed quickly in lucid mainly for the OSGeo Live DVD. 
It needs a few more work to be *ready*. It will eventually be pushed in 
all ubunbu supported distributions soon (~2 weeks?).


On 12-02-02 10:09 AM, Etienne Tourigny wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to see gdal-1.9.0 make its way into ubuntugis-unstable. I
> see that it has been compiled for lucid, does that mean we can expect
> it for more recent distros soon?
> Also, is there active maintenance of the ubuntugis-stable and
> ubuntugis-testing?  It might be useful to have only 2 versions of
> ubuntugis (unstable/stable) for easier maintenance.
> ubuntugis-stable: there is nothing for oneiric and  I  think that
> gdal-1.8.1 should be there as well.
> Let me know if there is any way I can help.
> regards,
> Etienne
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Alan Boudreault

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