[Ubuntu] gdal 1.9 dependency on libdap10 is making me crazy

Marc Coevoet sintsixtus at gmail.com
Sun May 6 01:51:07 EDT 2012

Op 05-05-12 21:02, Jorge Gustavo Rocha schreef:
> Hi Marc,
> I'm using the ubuntugis ppa [1] to get the gdal 1.9 already packaged.
> As you can see, I've added that repository to my apt sources.
> $ sudo apt-cache policy gdal-bin
> gdal-bin:
> Instalado: (nenhum)
> Candidato: 1.9.0-2~exp5~oneiric1
> Tabela de Versão:
> 1.9.0-2~exp5~oneiric1 0
> 500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu/
> oneiric/main i386 Packages
> 1.7.3-6ubuntu3 0
> 500 http://pt.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise/universe i386 Packages

I have a trick to compile / upgrade at once: compile from source, 
upgrade what is needed:

build from source for ubuntu/debian/other with

apt-get -b source libdvdcss
instead of just trying to install other folks binaries!

if the source won't build, try:
apt-get -b build-dep libdvdcss
apt-get -b source libdvdcss

replace the "libdvdcss" with whatever package you want to build.


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