[Ubuntu] PostgreSQL 9.2 and pgAdmin 1.16

Alan Boudreault aboudreault at mapgears.com
Mon Feb 11 12:07:23 PST 2013


Since we are not the maintainer of postgresql, we always build our 
postgis package using the postgresql version the the official ubuntu 
repository. I guess postgresql 9.2 will only be available in the next 
ubuntu release. However, I think the package can be rebuild on any 
machine with pg 9.2.


On 13-02-11 06:09 AM, Adrien Crivelli wrote:
> Hello,
> I am totally new to UbuntuGIS and really appreciate what I'v seen so
> far. I just started a project and was wondering what was the plan for
> PostgreSQL 9.2 (and its companion pgAdmin 1.16). Is it somewhere in the
> pipeline to release postgresql-9.2-postgis ?
> Is there anything I could to help about that ?
> Thaks a lot,
> Adrien
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Alan Boudreault

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