[Ubuntu] UbuntuGIS PSC Creation

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Sat Nov 9 14:39:35 PST 2013

PSC is generally self organizing from the community participants
initially. Long term you can create a process where the community at
large nominates people for it. At this point probably just need to pick
a size (perhaps 5 people). You usually want a few committers, in this
case packagers, someone from the user stand point might be good and even
making sure we have 1 person who is both DebianGIS and Ubuntugis for
coordination. Within those 5 people they can decide if there's a lead or
some other voting system when there are non-consensus decisions to be made.

So we could start with soliciting nominations/suggestions from this
list. Then seeing how many people accept those nominations, and
depending on how many we get then coming up with a way to make it a
smaller group if there's too many.

OSGeo incubation is about filling out a list of questions, opening a
ticket. I might refer back to Frank that the Incubation committee might
need to clarify questions for packaging projects that aren't really
software in themselves. We won't have the same patent and IP issues as a
software project.

Once the foundation accepts Incubation a mentor is assigned to helps us
meet the checklist for graduation.

Let's get this going, I've got lots of ideas for the ppa naming
discussion below too.


On 11/09/2013 01:27 PM, Alan Boudreault wrote:
> I think we should create the PSC before trying to elaborate on any
> development roadmap. Then, maybe check for OSGeo incubation? Does anyone
> have experience with that? What's the best way to proceed and how we
> determine PSC members?
> Best Regards,
> Alan
> On 13-11-09 04:19 PM, Ivan Mincik wrote:
>>     > 4. Still at least by my opinion, the PPA naming  stable,
>>     testing, unstable
>>     > is very confusing for all newcomers which automatically expect
>>     the same
>>     > behavior as in Debian. If this schema remains the same, or it
>>     will change
>>     > to something other, it needs clearly documented workflow how
>>     packages
>>     > migrates from testing, staging to production and how often and
>>     under which
>>     > circumstances production packages are upgraded.
>>     >
>>     I agree this is confusing and maybe the roadmap helps clear it up.
>> I You think about it, my proposal to PPA structure is following:
>> * ubuntugis-development - development versions of packages. Package
>> version changes until they move to 'ubuntugis-staging'
>> * ubuntugis-staging - staging versions which will be prepared to move
>> at the time of each new ubuntu distribution release to 'ubuntugis-stable'
>> * ubuntugis-stable - packages for all ubuntu distributions (LTS an non
>> LTS) which will never change versions for a particular ubuntu
>> distribution once released (only bugfixes available) - packages for
>> each new distribution will be uploaded at the time of ubuntu
>> distribution release
>> Packages will be supported for each ubuntu distribution life time.
>> * ubuntugis-backports - backported packages for LTS distributions. Can
>> be upgraded as time goes on for all distributions
>> Maintaining packages in 'ubuntugis-stable' for LTS distributions is
>> long-term, responsible and boring task. This task I see as candidate
>> for dedicated maintainer which could be financially supported by
>> companies or organizations.
>> I propose this structure change with release of 14.04 LTS.
>> Ivan Mincik
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> _______________________________________________
> UbuntuGIS mailing list
> Ubuntu at lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu
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