[Ubuntu] UbuntuGIS PSC Creation

Randal Hale rjhale at northrivergeographic.com
Thu Nov 14 14:20:07 PST 2013

and here I go jumping in.....

So being a "non developer" but a heavy gis user - I'm all for forming 
some sort of committee to help with packaging. I would like to even 
learn how to do it and contribute back - most of my packaging has been a 
bit....oh....not something I'm proud of but it's worked. I would love to 
learn to do it right. I'm one part of a two person operation - my cohort 
works with software on windows - I'm on the linux side of life. I would 
probably go back to my first love of debian but the packaging has always 
been more hit or miss than it has on ubuntu....and I was actually under 
the impression that Debian GIS wasn't active anymore....and I'm hoping 
based off these discussion I'm wrong.


Randal Hale, GISP
North River Geographic Systems, Inc
423.653.3611 rjhale at northrivergeographic.com
<mailto:rjhale at northrivergeographic.com>

On 11/13/2013 05:58 AM, Hamish wrote:
> Hi,
> Alex:
>> and even making sure we have 1 person who is both DebianGIS and
>> Ubuntugis for coordination.
> without getting too presumptuous, Frankie L. is an obvious person to
> approach, but failing that that a crossover person could be me, but
> tbh I'm not really sure how a PSC would actually benefit UbuntuGIS or
> OSGeo. A PSC is good for making strategic and political decisions, but
> 95% of our issues are technical ones where the wider pool of
> developers participate in "may the soundest idea win". The main
> strategic decision we have right now is the repo re-naming, which I
> think most of us are in fair agreement about anyway.
> I'm all for breathing life into the project in whatever way we can,
> but at the same time am concerned about adding new layers of
> bureaucracy which might morph into a time+energy sink/inefficiency,
> and avoiding the situation of too many chiefs & not enough braves.
> Another thing to be concerned with in small groups like ours is to
> avoid the appearance of a cabal, where new contributors don't feel
> part of the technical decision making group, and we desperately need
> those new contributors to be part of the technical decision making
> group.. On the other hand I fully accept Alan's concerns about his
> bus factor, in DebianGIS for a long time we've relied on Frankie
> in the same way.
> just some thoughts,
> Hamish
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