[Ubuntu] DebianGIS Repo

Jerome Villeneuve Larouche jlarouche at mapgears.com
Fri Nov 22 10:27:44 PST 2013

Hello Andreas,

I didn't know about backport, thanks for pointing it out. I can't seem 
to find any packages in backport so I can't really tell if our repo is 
more up-to-date. If it's always getting the latest release in unstable, 
indeed it might be at the same point.

On 13-11-22 05:13 AM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Jerome,
> On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 10:32:39AM -0500, Jerome Villeneuve Larouche wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> This is a small message to tell you that the DebianGIS repo for
>> Debian Wheezy is up and that every package on it is up-to-date!
>> Everything is built against stable so you don't need to add any
>> unstable repo to use the latest GIS packages.
> In how far this is different from backports.debian.org?
>> To add it on your machine, edit "/etc/apt/sources.list" and add the line
>> "deb http://debian.mapgears.com/repos/apt/debian/ <wheezy> main"
>> You should also add the public key with
>> "wget -O
>> http://debian.mapgears.com/repos/apt/debian/debgis.gpg.key|apt-key
>> add -"
> IMHO, you could safe all this by just relying on Debian infrastructure
> at backports.d.o.
> Kind regards
>       Andreas.

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