[Ubuntu] Google Summer of Code Satus

Alan Boudreault aboudreault at mapgears.com
Tue Sep 10 06:41:44 PDT 2013

Hi Andreas,

On 13-09-06 03:56 AM, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> On Tue, Sep 03, 2013 at 06:24:06PM -0400, Alan Boudreault wrote:
>>> Cool!  That's exactly the way I would have suggested because it works
>>> like a charm in Debian Med team with BioLinux (which is also an Ubuntu
>>> derivative).  Is there some documentation (some kind of policy document
>>> to make this more visible for newcomers)?  From several postings here
>>> I had the impression that Debian resources might be underestimated /
>>> rarely used.
>> Not sure what you mean. We extensively use the work of the DebianGIS
>> team. However, we won't ask them to do the ubuntu tasks.
> With resources I mean for instance that somebody on this list was asking
> how to do some Java packaging and obviously had no idea that it might be
> straightforward to ask on debian-java mailing list.  However, it could
> be that since I'm news to the various GIS teams I just do not know all
> the internals.

Right, I don't know if Jérome contacted those debian devs. From my 
understanding, the problem with Java packages was not that he didn't 
know where to start...but it was requiring too much effort for the 
summer project (mostly because there was a lot of dependencies not 
packaged neither).

>>> I know Francesco from some DebConfs in the past and I think he would not
>>> mind to get some helping hand.  While Debian GIS is not my main focus
>>> and I'm quite far from considering myself as a GIS expert my OSM
>>> activities have brought me closer to Debian GIS and I'd be happy to
>>> sponsor packages after coordination with Francesco.  I have no idea who
>>> strict he considers his "administrator" role but from my experience in
>>> other teams structures in Debian are rather flat - provided that you are
>>> not breaking anything it is fine to do something instead of waiting
>>> until somebody else have done it.
>> That would be very nice. Francesco has probably a lot more to do in
>> addition of DebianGIS... and I have the same problem. I would be
>> happy if someone could put some time in DebianGIS and UbuntuGIS.
> My main focus is Debian Med and general works on Blends.  But I like to
> do some share of my time for *GIS.  So just test me with your sponsoring
> requests or ideas to enhance the Blends framework for better use in
> *GIS.
>>> This is exactly the point where I would like to help if anyhow possible.
>>> To start with this help I also ported the Debian GIS thermometer once
>>> written by Francesco most probably in the intention to make the
>>> cooperation more effective:
>>>    http://blends.alioth.debian.org/gis/thermometer/ubuntu_debian-gis_thermometer.html
>>> The port is using common Debian Blends techniques and I think I provided
>>> some extra features not available previously.  So I'm quite serious to
>>> support the DebianGIS - UbuntuGIS cooperation to the best of my skills.
>>> Any ideas how I can be of more help are perfectly welcome.
>> Great. I wonder if we could do an irc meeting with all debiangis and
>> ubuntugis members. Talking together, we could probably figure out
>> how everyone can help to.
> I could join a GIS IRC meeting in evening hours (European time zones).

Ok, haven't got news from Francesco. He might haven't seen that thread. 
Perhaps you could take the lead off list and mention your interest to 
help debiangis and try to schedule a meeting.

> Kind regards
>          Andreas.

Alan Boudreault

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