[Ubuntu] Ubuntu GIS unstable, Precise, and GDAL

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Aug 7 09:54:56 PDT 2014

Le jeudi 07 août 2014 17:08:54, Howard Butler a écrit :
> On Aug 7, 2014, at 9:50 AM, Jerome Villeneuve Larouche 
<jlarouche at mapgears.com> wrote:
> > Hi Howard,
> > 
> > In your travis log I see that you are using the PostgreSQL custom repo.
> > Their repo isn't compatible with UbuntuGIS since they build a version of
> > PostGIS for 9.3 using the standard libgdal in Ubuntu which conflicts
> > with libgdal1h. That is probably where your problem is coming from.
> Aha!  That's Travis adding the PostgreSQL/PostGIS repos, not me.
> http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/using-postgresql/ doesn't appear to show how
> to shut those repos off though

Hi Howard,

We had the same issue with MapServer and I solved it like this :

https://github.com/mapserver/mapserver/blob/master/.travis.yml :

- sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg-source.list* /tmp
- sudo apt-get -qq remove postgis
- sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable
- sudo apt-get update -qq
- sudo apt-get install -qq bison flex python-lxml libfribidi-dev swig cmake 
librsvg2-dev colordiff postgis postgresql-9.1-postgis-2.0-scripts libpq-dev 
libpng12-dev libjpeg-dev libgif-dev libgeos-dev libgd2-xpm-dev libfreetype6-
dev libfcgi-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libcairo2-dev libgdal1-dev libproj-dev 
libxml2-dev python-dev php5-dev libexempi-dev lcov lftp

Best regards,


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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