[Ubuntu] Packaging work flow policy

Alan Boudreault aboudreault at mapgears.com
Tue Jan 7 14:31:05 PST 2014


These rules mostly apply to DebianGIS. No official rules have been 
established yet for UbuntuGIS. They make sense to me though.


On 14-01-07 03:09 PM, Ivan Minc(ík wrote:
> Dear UbuntuGIS devs,
> If I understand things correctly, there are few important rules in 
> packaging work flow which I did not found anywhere in UbuntuGIS wiki.
> 1. All UbuntuGIS packaging work should be done in Debian's Alioth Git 
> repositories at git.debian.org <http://git.debian.org> by members of 
> pgk-grass group [1]
> 2. UbuntuGIS packaging in git.debian.org <http://git.debian.org> 
> repository should be done in dedicated branches [3] and with correct 
> versioning policy [2]
> 3. Packaging of new version should always start in Debian unstable, 
> then it could be adjusted in Ubuntu branch and than package in 
> UbuntuGIS PPA could be build. This also means that UbuntuGIS could not 
> build any package which does not exists in Debian unstable or at least 
> in experimental
> For me, these steps looks very reasonable and could bring very good 
> final result. If all these steps are true, could they be written in 
> UbuntuGIS wiki as official policy ?
> 1 - https://alioth.debian.org/account/register.php
> 2 - http://linuxminded.nl/tmp/pkg-grass-website/policy.html#ubuntugis-ppa
> 3 - http://linuxminded.nl/tmp/pkg-grass-website/policy.html#git-branches
> -- 
> Ivan Minc(ík
> ivan.mincik at gmail.com <mailto:ivan.mincik at gmail.com> GPG: 0x79529A1E 
> http://imincik.github.io/0x79529A1E.key
> ivan.mincik at gista.sk <mailto:ivan.mincik at gista.sk> GPG: 0xD714B02C 
> http://imincik.github.io/0xD714B02C.key
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