[Ubuntu] UbuntuGIS PSC Nominations are Open

Johan Van de Wauw johan.vandewauw at gmail.com
Sun Jan 19 13:54:00 PST 2014

Bas (and any others considering going to FOSDEM),

I'll be around at FOSDEM. Best place to catch me will probably be the
Osgeo booth or also in the distribution room. It may be hard to catch
me on Saturday as I'm also involved in running FOSDEM and saterday
(especially before noon) is usually quite hectic. We could also meet
in the evening.

The Osgeo booth will be in the K-builiding, next to the OSM guys. The
distribution room is in another building (H).


On Sun, Jan 19, 2014 at 12:43 PM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg
<sebastic at xs4all.nl> wrote:
> On 01/18/2014 10:45 PM, Ivan Minčík wrote:
>>> Is anybody planning to visit OSGeo + QGIS sprint in Viena in March 2014 ?
>>>  > Maybe we could work on final DebianGIS/UbuntuGIS proposal there .
>>> I am considering to go a few days (end of the week). Angelos Tzotsos
>>> is also going.
>> Would you be interested to manage some more intensive personal discussion
>> there ?
> I'm very unlikely to attend the sprint, but I'm reconsidering attending
> If I do, I'll likely be in the Distribution Room working on Debian GIS
> packages and policy, and of course available for in person discussions
> such as these.
> Kind Regards,
> Bas
> --
> GnuPG: 0xE88D4AF1 (new) / 0x77A975AD (old)
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