[Ubuntu] [Geoserver-devel] GeoServer and GeoTools Debian/Ubuntu Packaging

Jerome Villeneuve Larouche jlarouche at mapgears.com
Tue Jul 15 05:18:31 PDT 2014


I could simply package the binaries, but my goal is to create a package 
that could be available on the official repositories and for that the 
package needs to be built from source.
Do you think this is the good approach? Do you guys think 
GeoServer/GeoTools need to be on the official repos?

Concerning JAI. The JAI-Core and JAI-ImageIO package already exist, in 
non-free. From what I've seen in GeoTools' pom.xml some modules require 
JAI, this would mean that these GeoTools package would have to be put in 
non-free (I think?) since they depend on a non-free package and so if 
GeoServer depends on one of these, it would be put in non-free too 
anyway. That is if I understand correctly the Maven Dependencies, maybe 
the JAI dep could be ignored by Maven?

Thanks for the answers

On 14-07-15 05:26 AM, Andrea Aime wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Ben Caradoc-Davies 
> <Ben.Caradoc-Davies at csiro.au <mailto:Ben.Caradoc-Davies at csiro.au>> wrote:
>     The presence of JAI is detected at runtime. It is not required to use
>     GeoServer (but desirable for some mapping applications). If JAI is
>     present in some repo and then installed into a JDK, it is a
>     property of
>     the JDK used to run GeoServer, not of GeoServer itself.
> Mind, pure java JAI is needed, nothing will run without it, what Ben 
> is talking about
> is the native version of it, that can be used to accelerate some 
> operations,
> that one is indeed optional
> Cheers
> Andrea
> -- 
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> -------------------------------------------------------

Jérôme Villeneuve Larouche

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