[Ubuntu] GeoServer and GeoTools Debian/Ubuntu Packaging

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Tue Jul 15 07:21:07 PDT 2014

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 09:52:53AM -0400, Jerome Villeneuve Larouche wrote:
> >
> >I can find release tarballs containing Java source code (only a few
> >jahrs in the test suite).
>         What I mean is that when you build GeoTools, each modules
> make his own jar. I suppose the proper way would be to have one big
> GeoTools source Package that would create all the smaller module's
> packages. I'll have to look if ignoring the modules I don't need is
> complicated so I could ignore the unsupported one and build only
> those I would need for GeoServer for now.

Ahh, OK.  Yes, it seems reasonable to simply ignore the jars which are
under "unsupported" and to not move them into a binary Debian package.

> Thanks for the answers and tips :)

You are welcome



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