[Ubuntu] [SoC] UbuntuGIS Weekly Report 2

Jerome Villeneuve Larouche jlarouche at mapgears.com
Fri May 30 13:45:39 PDT 2014

This week I finished the Precise Update and added PostGIS 2.1.3 and 
Spatilialite-GUI 1.7.1 to Trusty.

I had small problems with the geos-ruby package on Precise since it's 
been patched for ruby 2.0 on Debian and it isn't available on Precise.
I also had a problem I got last year with PostGIS using 
Build-depend-indep for the Java requirements which isn't run when build 
amd64 on Launchpad since the indep packages are built on i386. The ugly 
fix is to add the indep dependencies to the standard build-depend. I 
pushed it that way for now, but I'll try to make a proper fix for it.

Next week I'll be working on updating Lucid and Saucy. I'll also 
probably start copying packages on UbuntuGIS-Stable.

Jérôme Villeneuve Larouche

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