[Ubuntu] GRASS 7 packages in UbuntuGIS

Johan Van de Wauw johan.vandewauw at gmail.com
Sat Aug 1 13:26:19 PDT 2015

On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 4:22 PM, Ivan Mincik <ivan.mincik at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all, Johan,
> I am playing little bit with joining effort of GRASS 7 packaging and I
> see one GRASS 7 package for Trusty in UbuntuGIS. I was looking to Git
> repository on Alioth for 'ubuntu/trusty' branch [1], but it isn't there.


I have pushed my "ubuntugis" branch. In general I prefer using
ubuntugis keeping the ubuntu branch in case changes were made in
ubuntu (universe). I'll try to find out how to edit the policy :-)

> My question are:
> * where is the source code for grass - 7.0.0-1~exp2~trusty3 ?
Note (in case you get no reply) that you can always get the code from
launchpad: use dget on the dsc file. You can also use git-import-dsc
to put it in a repository.
Anyway, I'll try to remember pushing, but it is useful to know this,
eg if you want to import changes which were not made in git.
Note that if I only backported an existing debian package I've usually
not created a branch.

> * what are the plans for GRASS 7 packaging for other Ubuntu versions
> in UbuntuGIS Unstable. Can I help with something ?

Please go ahead. I've refrained from doing uploading of most packages
due to a lack of time and I prefered having updated packages in
utopic/vivid universe rather than in ubuntugis. For grass 7 i didn't
do this because the qgis plugin would no longer work, so it makes a
lot of sense to add that package.

Kind Regards,

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