[Ubuntu] reviving ubuntugis

Johan Van de Wauw johan.vandewauw at gmail.com
Tue Feb 10 14:48:06 PST 2015

Hi all,

Ubuntugis has seen relatively little attention recently. Partly, this
may actually be a good sign: Debian GIS has been improving a lot
lately, which means that Ubuntu Trusty (14.04) and Ubuntu Utopic
(14.10) were released with many recent libraries/programs out of the

Personally I believe that this should also change the way we operate:
I think we should focus more on having "universe" (the repository
provided by ubuntu) well maintained. There are a few things which can
be done: triaging bugfixes, uploading security updates and sync
requests (especially during debian freeze).
If we have a well maintained universe, I think we can drop most of the
releases to the ubuntugis-stable ppa.

For ubuntugis-unstable, I think we can and should keep up to date with
anything that goes into debian. We should also avoid having a fork
where we have different versions between ubuntu and debian. This way
we actually ensure that the packages that go into the offical archives
are working well.

I think we should also consider removing the "testing" archive. The
name is confusing for those who know the debian meaning of testing,
and it is mostly empty. It is perfectly possible to create your own
temporary ppa for testing should it be necessary.

This are my thoughts, but I really want to encourage everyone to say
what should be the priorities.

Kind Regards,

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