[Ubuntu] Packaging osm2pgsql releases

Paul Norman penorman at mac.com
Sun Oct 11 01:50:15 PDT 2015

Does the Ubuntu GIS team have any interest in packaging osm2pgsql 
releases? I've started packaging the dev versions 

The latest release is 0.88.1, and dev work is being done on the 0.89 
series, but there haven't been any dev releases yet.

0.89.0-dev requires a C++11 compiler which might be an issue on 12.04, 
but this is not a problem for 0.88.1.

For my purposes, it's important to have a release on a PPA which

- is a recent release version
- has PBF and Lua support (PBF support is no longer optional in 0.89.0)
- works with and without apt.postgresql.org*

* if technically possible

Debian has recent osm2pgsql packaging scripts, and they work well.

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