[Ubuntu] GDAL 2.0, QGIS updates

Bas Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Thu Feb 11 08:54:31 PST 2016

On 2016-02-11 17:32, Alex Mandel wrote:
> Can someone remind me. Do we have a timeline for getting newer GDAL and
> QGIS into ubuntugis-unstable?

Speaking about GDAL only, it seems unlikely to happen before Debian 
makes the switch to GDAL 2.0.

The packaging is available in the Debian GIS git repository, but only 
last week the final blockers for the transition in Debian were resolved.

Debian will transition to 1.11.4 before switching to 2.0.2, because of 
NEW queue delays for the 2.0 packages.

UbuntuGIS doesn't have the NEW queue issue, but is likely to have other 
reverse dependencies of GDAL that don't support 2.0 yet (because those 
packages aren't in Debian, or because the GDAL 2.0 patches haven't found 
their way into UbuntuGIS yet).

Someone needs to do a round of rebuilds in UbuntuGIS to assess the level 
of support for GDAL 2.0.

Kind Regards,


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