[Ubuntu] creating GRASS packages for UbuntuGIS

Bas Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Wed Jan 13 14:04:37 PST 2016

On 2016-01-13 10:19, Martin Landa wrote:
> I put on GRASS trac wiki draft of how-to [1]. Any comments are very 
> welcomed.

I don't have time for an extensive review of the draft right now, but 
some initial comments follow.

You should generally checkout release tags instead of branches.

The branches may contain additional changes that haven't been uploaded 
yet and may not be fit for release.

UbuntuGIS mostly contains backports (as indicated with the tilde version 
suffix) of package revisions uploaded to the Debian archive, which are 
just rebuilt for the Ubuntu LTS releases.

So instead of:

  git checkout -b ubuntugis/wily experimental

You should use:

  git checkout -b ubuntugis/wily debian/7.0.3.rc1-1.exp2

The above checkout is only appropriate to create the ubuntugis/wily 
branch, if the branch already exists you need to do a plain checkout 
(without -b and just the ubuntugis/wily branch name) and merge the 
changes from the debian tag you want to incorporate for UbuntuGIS.

Instead of using `dch -i` to create the new changelog entry, you should 
specify the version instead:

  dch -v 7.0.3~rc1-1~wily1

The default increment used by `dch -i` is not appropriate for UbuntuGIS 

git-buildpackage uses the debian/gbp.conf file in the source package to 
override its defaults, so you don't need to use 
--git-debian-branch=ubuntugis/$DIST when you've configured the gbp.conf 

When the packaging lives on a non-default branch (i.e. not master), you 
need to document the branch in the Vcs-Git URL and gbp.conf. See this 
commit for example:


> I created building environment, see log [2] and build GRASS package
> [3]. Unfortunately in logs I can't see any reference to UbuntuGIS PPA.
> In pbuilde configuration I have
> http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu $DIST
> main"
> Any idea what could be wrong? Martin

As mentioned before [0]:

  The Get lines for ppa.launchpad.net are for the othermirror you 

  There is only ossim for wily, most UbuntuGIS packages are for the LTS 


[0] https://lists.debian.org/debian-gis/2016/01/msg00039.html

> [1] 
> https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/DebianUbuntuPackaging#GitworkflowusingtheGRASSspecificbranches
> [2] http://geo102.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa/tmp/log.builder
> [3] http://geo102.fsv.cvut.cz/~landa/tmp/log.packager

Did you notice the lintian warnings in your build log?

Specifically this one:


You should not duplicate the changelog from the Debian package, you 
should mention that the revision is a rebuild for Ubuntu $DIST, i.e.:

  grass (7.0.3~rc1-1~wily1) wily; urgency=medium

    * Rebuild for wily.

   -- $DEBFULLNAME <$DEBEMAIL>  Tue, 12 Jan 2016 20:57:45 +0100

Kind Regards,


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