[Ubuntu] Mismatch in binaryfulness. (arch) False != (files) True
Martin Landa
landa.martin at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 14:33:31 PDT 2018
čt 7. 6. 2018 v 18:11 odesílatel Sebastiaan Couwenberg
<sebastic at xs4all.nl> napsal:
> Have you tried using both? --s-o-c is a pbuilder option whereas -S is a
> dpkg-buildpackage option.
do you mean
gbp buildpackage -S -sa --git-pbuilder
gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder-options=--source-only-changes -S -sa
--git-pbuilder --git-dist=${DIST}-ubuntugis-experimental
It's failing with
E: Missing changes file:
gbp:error: 'git-pbuilder -S -sa' failed: it exited with 1
I just wonder why I have this problem just ubuntugis/bionic branch. I
am using *exactly the same* procedure [1] for xenial branch. Here
package is accepted by Launchpad without any problem.
[1] https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/DebianUbuntuPackaging#GitworkflowusingtheGRASSspecificbranches
Martin Landa
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