[Ubuntu] QGis 3 on UbuntuGIS PPA

Worth Lutz wal3 at mindspring.com
Wed Nov 14 12:23:07 PST 2018

I'm trying to setup a laptop with Ubuntu 18.04 to use offline.  I use 
MapServer from ubuntugis as a localhost wms server with apache. This works.

I tried installing QGIS 3.4 and Grass but ran into problems.  
Ubuntugis/unstable has grass 7.4.2 for bionic and the QGIS grass plugin 
is wanting 7.4.0.

There is no bionic build in the qgis.org/ubuntugis repository yet so I 
have this problem. Removing the ubuntugis ppa lets me install QGIS and 

It seems that there should be a ubuntugis build for bionic due to the 
upgrade to grass.  Is that coming with the next point release?

Is this the normal inconsistency problem with using ubuntugis which has 
been described in this email thread?  The one which gets fixed at each 
QGIS point release and not with each change to ubuntugis?

*Worth Lutz*

On 11/1/2018 12:02 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:
> On 10/31/18 02:18, Micha Silver wrote:
>> QGIS.org + ubuntugis unstable
> For the absolute latest of everything where you don't have to build it
> yourself.
> While it's true that recent Ubuntu has newer of everything, if you use a
> LTS variant of Ubuntu you will quickly be behind without using the
> QGIS.org and ubuntugis repos. Bionic will soon be in the same situation
> as Xenial.
> For places of work, I only use LTS releases of Ubuntu. Actually a few
> years back personally I stopped using non-LTS releases of Ubuntu at all,
> too many minor quirks on each update, was only important if you had
> really new hardware that wasn't supported by older releases, which is
> mostly solved by the HWE where newer kernels can be installed on LTS
> releases.
> Thanks,
> Alex
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