[Ubuntu] PostGIS3 conflicts with GDAL

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Mon Apr 6 07:29:37 PDT 2020

On 4/6/20 3:50 PM, Jakob Miksch wrote:
> Just to make sure that I understand correctly:
> Ubuntu 18.04 with ubuntugis-unstable should only work safely with
> PostgreSQL 10. It is rather incompatible with PostgreSQL 12.
> Is that right?

Not entirely.

The postgis package for bionic in ubuntugis-unstable is only built
with/for postgresql-10 in bionic, hence its postgresql-10-postgis-3
binary package only works with postgresql-10.

pgapt builds its postgis package for bionic with several postgresql
versions, but it uses the gdal version (and its dependencies) from
bionic which are older version than those in ubuntugis-unstable.

gdal-data from ubuntugis-unstable is incompatible with gdal from bionic
itself as it has been updated to work with PROJ 6.

Hence you need to choose to use packages that have been built with the
gdal (and related packages) from bionic itself (like those in pgapt), or
those that have been built with the version in ubuntugis-unstable (which
only builds for the postgresql version in bionic).

Kind Regards,


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