[OSGeo-UK] Call For Participation : First Open Source GIS UK Conference - University of Nottingham (22 June 2009)

Suchith Anand Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk
Mon Oct 13 05:36:10 EDT 2008

Dear All,

The University of Nottingham and Open Source Geospatial Foundation are
happy to announce the First Open Source GIS UK Conference on 22nd June
(Monday), 2009 at the University of Nottingham. Tyler Mitchell,
Executive Director of Open Source Geospatial Foundation will deliver the
keynote presentation.

The key aims of this conference are:

(i) to hear presentations from government, academic, industry and policy
makers on open source geospatial technologies
(ii) to provide platform to network and develop ideas for future
collaborative work in open source GIS
(iii) to understand current developments in open source GIS

Contributions are invited in the following topic areas

State of the Art developments in Open Source GIS
Open Source GIS in Education 
Interoperability and standards - OGC, ISO/TC 211
Open Source GIS application use cases : Government, Participatory GIS,
Location based services, Health, Energy, Water, Climate change etc
Web processing services
Open architectures, open data
Case studies of open source implementations
Open Source GIS Internationalisation and Localisation
Using Open Source GIS with proprietary software
Transition to Open Source GIS
Open Source GIS business models
Open Source GIS implementation and deployment case studies
Sensor Web enablement 
Hands-on workshops on using and developing open source GIS tools

More details of the conference including details of registration will be
informed soon. The conference website will be activated on January 15,
2009. Any one interested to be involved in the conference please email

Best wishes,


Dr Suchith Anand
Centre for Geospatial Science
Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
Tel: (0)115 846 8408
url: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/cgs/anand.shtml

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