[OSGeo-UK] Fwd: Registrations for the FIRST OPEN SOURCE GIS UK
Joanne Cook
j.cook at oxfordarch.co.uk
Wed Mar 18 12:21:28 EDT 2009
Dear All
Registration is now open for the First Open Source GIS UK Conference 2009- see the announcement below. If there is interest, we will also have our first OSGeo local chapter AGM at this event.
All the best
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Suchith Anand" <Suchith.Anand at NOTTINGHAM.AC.UK>
Sent: Friday, 13 March, 2009 11:24:32 GMT +00:00 GMT Britain, Ireland, Portugal
Subject: Registrations for the FIRST OPEN SOURCE GIS UK CONFERENCE 2009
Dear Colleagues,
Registrations for the First Open Source GIS UK Conference 2009 is now
activated at http://www.opensourcegis.org.uk
# Tyler Mitchell (Executive Director, Open Source Geospatial Foundation)
# Professor William Cartwright (President of the International
Cartographic Association)
# Szabolcs Szekacs (European Commission, Informatics
Directorate-General, IDABC)
OSGIS UK Workshops:
o Mapwindow - Dr Daniel Ames (Idaho State University,USA)
o Introduction to gvSIG as desktop GIS/SDI client - Alvaro Anguix (IVER
Technologas de la Informacion, Spain)
o Workshop on Perl, Python, Ruby- Prof Ari Jolma (Helsinki University of
Technology, Finland )
o Open source tools for support across the GI data lifecycle: from
creation to delivery - James Reid (EDINA) & Jo Cook (Oxford Archaeology)
Because of the limitations in the number of computers available at the
computer labs, the workshops will be strictly allocated on a first come
first serve basis.
Please contact me for any information required.
Best wishes,
Suchith Anand
Dr Suchith Anand
Centre for Geospatial Science
Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
Tel: (0)115 846 8408
url: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/cgs/cgs_suchith_anand.html
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Joanne Cook
Senior IT Support and Development
Oxford Archaeology (North)
01524 880212
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