[OSGeo-UK] Fwd: AGI Northern Conference,
14/4/11 National Railway Museum, York
Joanne Cook
j.cook at oxfordarch.co.uk
Mon Jan 31 08:26:58 EST 2011
Dear All,
Information on the AGI Northern Group event happening in April- if anyone wants to speak or to attend
All the best
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Stuart Mitchell" <stuart at geodigital.biz>
To: "Stu Mitchell" <stuart at geodigital.biz>
Sent: Saturday, 29 January, 2011 8:39:44 PM
Subject: AGI Northern Conference, 14/4/11 National Railway Museum, York
Call for Sessions - AGI Northern Group Conference, April 14th at the
National Railway Museum, York
Submissions Deadline: 21st February 2011.
I would like to invite you to present a session at the AGI Northern
Group's conference, which is happening on 14th April at the National
Railway Museum in York. The November 2009 conference was very well
received, and had great attendance from the GIS commmunity across the
North of England, as well as further afield.
The theme of this year's conference will be 'Liberating Location'. What
does this mean? Well....
We’re at a junction point. At a time of great change to the economy, to
technology and to social aspects, the Liberating Location event, hosted
by the AGI Northern Group (#AGI_NG) looks at the current big issues with
our big society: which way are we heading: full steam ahead or off the
rails? What is the real impact of the economic change; what has been
leveraged as a result of the release of open data; why does
crowdsourcing matter, and how do all these things join up?
We’re looking for sessions which are interactive, thought provoking and
have not been seen before in this form (it may be a topic you've covered
before). They may revolve around the idea of liberating location in
terms of open data, or regarding the coalition's plans, or indeed -
given the venue - around a transport theme.
Presenters will obviously receive free attendance to the conference.
I'd be really grateful if you would provide me with an expression of
interest (or not) - and I will be in touch shortly.
Best regards
Stuart Mitchell
e: stuart at geodigital.biz
m: 07793 402090
w: www.geodigital.biz
t: @stumitch
Joanne Cook
Senior IT Support and Development
Oxford Archaeology (North)
01524 880212
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