[OSGeo-UK] Linking into IMB cognos

Rachel Forrest rachel.forrest at hient.co.uk
Thu Jan 10 08:19:38 PST 2013

Hello everyone,
I am new to mapping and am in need of some advice and guidance.  I have previously posted on the non-uk mailing list but have some questions that are more specific to the UK.  Apologise if anyone receives both.
My project basically involves collating internal and external data and displaying it on a map within the company's intranet to share with all staff. 
The internal data is on IBM Cognos.  This information is updated in real time and needs to be displayed on the map in real time.  Following recommendations from IBM, my company installed MapInfo to display outputs. It took 32 weeks to get it but they did.  The problem is that it is only on one computer at a different office from me and apparently the training is really expensive and it sounds really hard to use without the training. I would like to see if it would be possible to use QGIS as so far it has been easy to use and available on my own PC.
The other question is that I am wondering if there are any existing databases that stores up-to-date economic data so the maps I create could update themselves automatically once my placement ends.  If such a thing doesn't exist I am considering creating and maintaining once when I go back to consultancy once my placement ends.  
One other little problem I've been having, I've managed to open the shapefiles for the european boundry lines of nuts 3, but the map seems to be distorted.  I gather it is something to do with the map projections.  I tried various different ones but the map either stayed the same or disappeared completely. 
Rachel Forrest
Economics Intelligence Officer
Highlands and Islands Enterprise
Cowan House 
Inverness Retail and Business Park
Inverness IV2 7GF
+44(0) 1463 244 433
Email: rachel.forrest at hient.co.uk
www.hie.co.uk <http://www.hie.co.uk/> 

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Tha an teachdaireachd seo dìomhair agus 's ann dhan neach-ainmichte a-mhàin a tha i. Ma 's e is gun d'fhuair sibh le mearachd i, feuchaibh is leigibh fios sa spot dhan neach bhon tàinig i. Tha cleachdadh neo-cheadaichte na teachdaireachd seo fìor-thoirmisgte. Tha HIE a' cleachdadh bathar-bog gus luchd-obrach na buidhne a dhìon is cuiridh i às do phost-dealain sam bith sa bheil càil oilbheumach no truailleach.

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