[OSGeo-UK] Scene From Above podcast

Alastair Graham a.graham at geoger.co.uk
Tue May 22 10:35:41 PDT 2018

Hello everyone

In case you haven't come across it, I just wanted to highlight a new remote
sensing / Earth observation podcast that Andrew Cutts and I are currently
putting together. It's called Scene From Above and there's some
instructions on how to listen to it at the following blog post:


TLDR; you can use these links :-)

   - https://geoger.co.uk/podcast/
   - http://www.acgeospatial.co.uk/podcasts/
   - https://www.blubrry.com/scenefromabove/

A lot of it (although not all) is about open data and open source so I hope
this is of interest to some of you - we are really enjoying recording it


| Alastair Graham | Director | Geoger Ltd
| W: www.geoger.co.uk | T: @ajggeoger <http://www.twitter.com/ajggeoger>
| The Satellite Applications Catapult, Electron Building, Harwell Campus,
Oxfordshire, OX11 0QR

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