[OSGeo-UK] Geonetwork users?
Jo Cook
jocook at astuntechnology.com
Fri Jun 7 04:46:51 PDT 2019
Hi All,
I'm involved with Google Season of Docs this year
(https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Season_of_Docs_2019). The main focuses
for us are QGIS, OSGeoLIVE and Geonetwork. We will be getting a paid
technical writer for a few months to work on the OSGeo projects
collectively, but the main aim is to get more community engagement in
contributing to documentation.
I'm heading up the Geonetwork team, and part of what I'm trying to do
is lower the barriers for users to contribute to documentation, and
figure out where information is missing, or how the documentation can
be improved in other ways.
So this is really a call out to fellow UK Geonetwork users- let me
know what you think could do with improving in the documentation, and
also if you're interested in getting further involved with the
project. Any level of experience in contributing to documentation is
fine- if you're a beginner and have previously been put off
contributing or correcting a typo or something, then let me know what
it is that put you off and we'll see what we can do to help. Contact
me on or off list!
If QGIS and/or OSGeoLive are more your thing, then head over to the
Season of Docs mailing list at
https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/seasonofdocs as there are
some active discussions going on about training materials and such
All the best
Jo Cook
t:+44 7930 524 155/twitter:@archaeogeek
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