[OSGeo-UK] Funding for Geoserver OGC compliance

Steve Lowman slowman at buccleuch.com
Wed Oct 23 04:29:51 PDT 2019

Hi Matt


This one has 2 days left and is at 84% of €11,000.

I will also make the suggestion to higher-ups here, but they probably won’t pledge. They haven’t committed to using QField, but they probably would if the native camera integration goes ahead – it’s a chicken and egg problem, or something like that.



Steve Lowman
GIS Technician

T: 01750 23759

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From: Matt Travis <matt.travis1 at gmail.com>
Sent: 23 October 2019 11:32
To: uk at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [OSGeo-UK] Funding for Geoserver OGC compliance

Off the back of foss4guk we have some money available to help fund osgeo projects.

This one to help make sure Geoserver is OGC compliant has recently come to our attention:


If anyone has any reasonable objections please let us know, otherwise we will go ahead and sponsor this project.

If you come across any other similar crowd funded projects that you think we could help wiht please do make us aware via this list.


Matt Travis (OSGeo:UK Treasurer)

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