[OSGeo-UK] Full programme now published for FOSS4G:UK Local 2023!

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Aug 31 04:45:49 PDT 2023

Thanks Nick, can you also share this news through 
https://twitter.com/foss4guk ?



Jeff McKenna
GatewayGeo: Developers of MS4W, MapServer Consulting and Training
co-founder of FOSS4G

On 2023-08-31 8:33 a.m., Nick Bearman wrote:
> 7 days, or 1 week until FOSS4G:UK Local 2023!
> We have 8 venues with 51 talks, 3 workshops and 2 keynotes. Over 200 
> attendees will be there - it would be good to see you there too!
> Register and find more details on the website: 
> https://uk.osgeo.org/foss4guklocal2023/
> On 23/06/2023 1:55 pm, Nick Bearman wrote:
>> OSGeo:UK will be bringing together all those interested in free and 
>> open source software for geospatial (FOSS4G) for this fantastic event. 
>> If you use, promote, develop or want to learn about open source tools 
>> and open data for geospatial, then this conference is for you! A whole 
>> day of talks, workshops and networking across the UK.
>> We have a confirmed date for FOSS4G:UK Local 2023 - Thurs 7th Sept 2023.
>> We also have eight confirmed venues:
>> - Glasgow
>> - Lancaster
>> - Keyworth (Nottingham)
>> - Maynooth (Ireland)
>> - London
>> - Swansea
>> - Basingstoke
>> - Bristol
>> This will be a hybrid conference, but with a twist: there will be no 
>> central physical location. We have 8 venues geographically dispersed 
>> across the UK, where you can physically meet up to attend the 
>> conference. Keynote presentations will be streamed to all venues, and 
>> all venues will have local presentations as well.
>> The Call for Talks is now open and will close on Mon 7th August 2023.
>> We want to hear from you! We are open to any talks about FOSS4G (Free 
>> and Open Source Software for Geospatial). Currently we only need a 
>> brief paragraph on what you would like to talk about - no detailed 
>> submissions.
>> Please check out our website: https://uk.osgeo.org/foss4guklocal2023/ 
>> for more details, or ask if you have any questions (on the list or to 
>> osgeouk at gmail.com).
>> Best wishes,
>> Nick.
>> OSGeo:UK Chair.

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