[OSGeo-UK] FOSS4G:UK 2023 - Thu 7th Sept 2023 (provisional)

Nick Bearman nick at geospatialtrainingsolutions.co.uk
Thu Mar 23 08:58:59 PDT 2023

Hello everyone,

We had a very useful meeting today planning FOSS4G:UK 2023 - thanks to 
everyone who attended. Here are a summary of our discussions:

What date do we want to run FOSS4G:UK on?
After some discussion, we have provisionally chosen Thu 7th Sept 2023 
for FOSS4G:UK 2023. This is subject to confirmation - the RGS are 
hosting RSPSoc on Tue 5th and Wed 6th Sept, so we want to ensure this 
doesn't cause any problems for them. Assuming all is good, this will be 
the date.

Venues update
After some discussions, we have these venues provisionally earmarked:
- Lancaster
- Keyworth (Midlands)
- London
- Bristol
- Swansea / Cardiff
And some potential venues at
- Glasgow/Edinburgh
- Leeds
- Bristol/Plymouth
We have a couple of geographical holes, so if you have any potential 
contacts in Birmingham or Belfast who might be interested in hosting, 
please let us know. Additionally, if you would like to Chair, help 
Chair, or help out at any of our venues please let me know.

How we will make reference to it being 10 years since FOSS4G 2013 in 
Barry suggested we use a keynote slot to ask 4-5 people from the FOSS4G 
2013 steering committee to record a short (10min, as it's 10 years!) 
video reflecting on where have we gone in the last ten years and where 
will be in ten
years time? This could be in general, or on a specific theme: Business, 
Education, Government, Ordnance Survey, Academia, Environment, 
Engagement, Computation, etc.
Thanks to Barry for taking the lead on this.

Do we want to approach ESRI UK for sponsorship?
In general there was support for this, and no strong opposition, so I 
will approach ESRI, ESRI UK initially.

We are broadly going to adopt the same timeline / deadlines as last year 
and we will discuss this at the next meeting.

Next meeting:
Wed 26th April, 12-1

Comments / views etc. welcome on list or off list.

Best wishes,

Nick Bearman
+44 (0)7717745715
nick at geospatialtrainingsolutions.co.uk

Due to my own life/work balance, you may get emails from me outside of normal working hours. Please do not feel any pressure to respond outside of your own working pattern.

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