[OSGeo-UK] Meeting to discuss FOSS4G:UK 2024

Nick Bearman nick at geospatialtrainingsolutions.co.uk
Thu Feb 22 05:57:41 PST 2024

Quick reminder, we are meeting on Monday (26th Feb) to talk about 
FOSS4G:UK 2024.

Hope to see you there!

You might be interested in reading our lessons learned from last time if 
you want to find out more: 

Best wishes,

On 15/02/2024 09:19, Nick Bearman via UK wrote:
> Hi All,
> As promised at the AGM last year, I would like to arrange a date to 
> meet up and talk about plans for FOSS4G:UK 2024
> I have set a meeting for Mon 26th Feb, 1pm - 2pm, on Google Meet 
> https://meet.google.com/wxn-htxj-ikh.
> We will discuss ideas for FOSS4G:UK 2024. If you have any ideas but 
> can't make it to the meeting, please email them (to the list or to me 
> direct) and I will make sure they are mentioned.
> I (or Ant) will circulate some notes after the meeting summarizing our 
> discussions/decisions.
> We will also be after volunteers, so if you are willing, please do 
> step forward.
> Looking forward to continuing the great FOSS4G:UK conference series!
> Best wishes,
> Nick.
> Nick Bearman | OSGeo:UK Chair
Nick Bearman
+44 (0) 7717745715
nick at geospatialtrainingsolutions.co.uk

Please let me know if I can make any adjustments related to disability or neurodivergence to improve how we interact.

Due to my own life/work balance, you may get emails from me outside of normal working hours. Please do not feel any pressure to respond outside of your own working pattern.

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