[OSGeo-UK] Meeting to discuss FOSS4G:UK 2024

Antony Scott antony.scott at gmail.com
Tue Feb 27 03:25:20 PST 2024

Hi all,

Here are some notes from our OSGeo UK call on FOSS4G yesterday.

Headline - we'd like to organise a single venue, in person, two day FOSS4G
event this year (it's already 5 years since the last one). We'll need a
suitable venue and some people to step up to organise - more to follow...

 OSGeo UK Call, 27th Feb 2024: FOSS4G UK 2024

Present: Tom Chadmin, Dave Barter, John Stevenson, Illya Santos, Steven
Feldman, Nick Bearman, Al Graham, Piet Gerrits, Paul Wittle, Barry
Rowlingson, Guy Solomon, Rachel Talbot, Ant Scott

*1. FOSS4G UK 2024: Possible venues and format*
Options were discussed for a 2024 event, including a repeat of the 'local'
format of 2023 and 2022, and a single venue event. It was agreed that
bearing in mind the last single venue event was in Edinburgh in 2019, it
would be great to be able to organise one this year, and possible return to
the 'local' format next year. This would be dependent on a suitable venue
being found, and a group being willing to organise. If this wasn't
possible, we would leave individuals to organise one off events, which we
would support, but there would be no coordinated national event.

Other points:
- Robust streaming is important, and should be easier at a larger venue
with good facilities
- We would need to accomodate 150 - 300 people, with the ability to run two
or three tracks
- Organising team would not necessarily need to be based in the host
location, though one or two locals would be needed
- Date should be later than Oct onwards, and avoid clashes with other key
- This does not preclude local events, but should not be at same time
- Co-chairs possible
- Event should be two days

*Action: Ant to draft call for volunteers/venue suggestions, to be
circulated to list, put on website, broadcast etc - aim to get this out by
Friday 1st.*

*2. Email newsletter*
Awaiting set up on Sender - Steven volunteered to do this, will liaise with
Al. Email address needed - Nick will sort. Ant to get contact details from
Eventbrite for previous FOSS4G.
Dave recommends OSM weekly and Django as patterns. Need a means for people
so suggest/include content stuff easily.

*3. Code sprint*Will be on Tuesday 30th of July in Portland, Dorset.
Promotion to come soon.

On Mon, 26 Feb 2024 at 12:02, Nick Bearman via UK <uk at lists.osgeo.org>

> Hope to see some of you at 1pm, in about an hour.
> If you have comments but can't make it, please let us know.
> Best wishes,
> Nick.
> On 22/02/2024 13:57, Nick Bearman via UK wrote:
> > Quick reminder, we are meeting on Monday (26th Feb) to talk about
> > FOSS4G:UK 2024.
> >
> > Hope to see you there!
> >
> > You might be interested in reading our lessons learned from last time
> > if you want to find out more:
> > https://uk.osgeo.org/foss4guklocal2023/lessons-learned.html.
> >
> > Best wishes,
> > Nick.
> >
> > On 15/02/2024 09:19, Nick Bearman via UK wrote:
> >> Hi All,
> >>
> >> As promised at the AGM last year, I would like to arrange a date to
> >> meet up and talk about plans for FOSS4G:UK 2024
> >>
> >> I have set a meeting for Mon 26th Feb, 1pm - 2pm, on Google Meet
> >> https://meet.google.com/wxn-htxj-ikh.
> >>
> >> We will discuss ideas for FOSS4G:UK 2024. If you have any ideas but
> >> can't make it to the meeting, please email them (to the list or to me
> >> direct) and I will make sure they are mentioned.
> >>
> >> I (or Ant) will circulate some notes after the meeting summarizing
> >> our discussions/decisions.
> >>
> >> We will also be after volunteers, so if you are willing, please do
> >> step forward.
> >>
> >> Looking forward to continuing the great FOSS4G:UK conference series!
> >>
> >> Best wishes,
> >>
> >> Nick.
> >>
> >> Nick Bearman | OSGeo:UK Chair
> >>
> >>
> --
> Nick Bearman
> +44 (0) 7717745715
> nick at geospatialtrainingsolutions.co.uk
> Please let me know if I can make any adjustments related to disability or
> neurodivergence to improve how we interact.
> Due to my own life/work balance, you may get emails from me outside of
> normal working hours. Please do not feel any pressure to respond outside of
> your own working pattern.
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