[OSGeo-UK] UK code sprint 2024 - Save the date

Paul Wittle paulwittle17 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 15 05:15:53 PST 2024

Hello everyone,

I'm excited to say that we are now really starting to get going on
organising a UK code sprint for 2024! This is really exciting news for any
of us that want to get more involved with the open source applications we
love and use here in the UK.

To help us with the planning of the event we have pencilled in for Tuesday
the 30th of July at the Weymouth Pavilion, Dorset!

We would be grateful if you could fill in the Google Form
help us understand how many people want to come. We will close this poll at
the end of the week because we need to firm up the estimates with the venue
and book it in by the end of the month.

We are making a special effort to ensure that this event is going to be fun
as well as useful and informative so we have deliberately picked a
beautiful venue with view over Weymouth beach in the summer so that people
can enjoy amazing Dorset coastline as they code. We also hope this will
make it more accessible to university students by ensuring it falls in the
holiday period and hopefully will not clash with academic events.

We are really excited to be running this new event for 2024 for please let
us know if you would like to join us.

Paul Wittle
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