[OSGeo-UK] UK code sprint 2024 - Save the date

Alexei alexei at fastmail.net
Wed Jan 17 11:19:59 PST 2024

Thanks Paul, very helpful. 

With those two projects in mind, is there an expectation that people would have a certain level of .NET or JavaScript skills to be able to contribute? 


On January 16, 2024 7:31:13 PM GMT, Paul Wittle <paulwittle17 at gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi Alexei,
>We have not yet fully worked out the details but basically my idea is to
>run a one day event with a few projects to choose from. So far we have:
>- GIFramework Maps (GitHub - Dorset-Council-UK/GIFramework-Maps: A .NET
>based web map built with OpenLayers and Bootstrap
>- Terra Draw (GitHub - JamesLMilner/terra-draw: A library for drawing on
>maps that supports Mapbox, MapLibre, Google Maps, OpenLayers and Leaflet
>out the box <https://github.com/JamesLMilner/terra-draw>)
>We are hoping that those running sprints will publish the goals for the day
>prior to the event but I think the focus of the event itself will be on
>growing the open communities. With that in mind we are hoping that
>delegates will leave the event more confident in how to develop on the open
>source projects at the event.
>I'm hoping that we will be able to run it so you can try both projects or
>focus on one but I haven't had a chance to agree the format yet. I've got
>some ideas on how to achieve that goal but more details will be released
>nearer the event.
>I attended the code sprint back at FOSS4G Nottingham and it was an amazing
>learning opportunity but I've not managed to join another in the UK since
>as I've not been able to travel to another FOSS4G and so I'm hoping this
>event will provide a great opportunity to help grow the UK open development
>communities by supporting new and upcoming open projects as well as
>established ones.
>Is that helpful?
>On Mon, 15 Jan 2024 at 20:51, Alexei Schwab via UK <uk at lists.osgeo.org>
>> Hi Paul,
>> Could you share some info about the purpose/format of the event?
>> Regards,
>> Alexei
>> On Mon, 15 Jan 2024, at 13:15, Paul Wittle via UK wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I'm excited to say that we are now really starting to get going on
>> organising a UK code sprint for 2024! This is really exciting news for any
>> of us that want to get more involved with the open source applications we
>> love and use here in the UK.
>> To help us with the planning of the event we have pencilled in for Tuesday
>> the 30th of July at the Weymouth Pavilion, Dorset!
>> We would be grateful if you could fill in the Google Form
>> <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc5lENX6KpoRwv3sYrSYDVQCr-ruCSPHvhMJ8ChSApdiQ-CmA/viewform?usp=sharing> to
>> help us understand how many people want to come. We will close this poll at
>> the end of the week because we need to firm up the estimates with the venue
>> and book it in by the end of the month.
>> We are making a special effort to ensure that this event is going to be
>> fun as well as useful and informative so we have deliberately picked a
>> beautiful venue with view over Weymouth beach in the summer so that people
>> can enjoy amazing Dorset coastline as they code. We also hope this will
>> make it more accessible to university students by ensuring it falls in the
>> holiday period and hopefully will not clash with academic events.
>> We are really excited to be running this new event for 2024 for please let
>> us know if you would like to join us.
>> Thanks,
>> Paul Wittle
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