[OSGeo-UK] OSGeo:UK LinkedIn Group / Company
Jonathan Huck
jonathan.huck at manchester.ac.uk
Thu Feb 6 08:57:02 PST 2025
Agreed – let’s keep it simple
Thanks very much,
Jonny Huck
Professor of Computational Geography
Department of Geography
The University of Manchester
Room 1.034 Arthur Lewis Building (Map<https://goo.gl/maps/8xESjUrAA6Q2>)
Zoom Room: https://zoom.us/my/jonnyhuck
More info: https://jonnyhuck.co.uk
From: UK <uk-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of Nick Bearman via UK <uk at lists.osgeo.org>
Date: Thursday, 6 February 2025 at 16:52
To: uk at lists.osgeo.org <uk at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: [OSGeo-UK] OSGeo:UK LinkedIn Group / Company
Hi Everyone,
I have just (re)discovered that OSGeo:UK has both a Group and a Company
Page on LinkedIn:
Group: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.linkedin.com/groups/2063649/__;!!PDiH4ENfjr2_Jw!A8A4WOwLpNgeXlQ-731ydxt5MliZVWGpo21AC8cbwqwfLB4MtKYgCs-zQFvsNIDC5WWtu5W70y64sHt7jXK_18Ty$<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.linkedin.com/groups/2063649/__;!!PDiH4ENfjr2_Jw!A8A4WOwLpNgeXlQ-731ydxt5MliZVWGpo21AC8cbwqwfLB4MtKYgCs-zQFvsNIDC5WWtu5W70y64sHt7jXK_18Ty$> [linkedin[.]com]
Company Page: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.linkedin.com/company/76603720/__;!!PDiH4ENfjr2_Jw!A8A4WOwLpNgeXlQ-731ydxt5MliZVWGpo21AC8cbwqwfLB4MtKYgCs-zQFvsNIDC5WWtu5W70y64sHt7jWTGKMlh$<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.linkedin.com/company/76603720/__;!!PDiH4ENfjr2_Jw!A8A4WOwLpNgeXlQ-731ydxt5MliZVWGpo21AC8cbwqwfLB4MtKYgCs-zQFvsNIDC5WWtu5W70y64sHt7jWTGKMlh$> [linkedin[.]com]
The Group is private, so as I understand it, "Only members can see posts
in this group."
The Company Page is open to anyone to follow, I think.
Groups are quite old hat now, and I think were the only option for a
long time in the early days.
We want people to follow us! So I am suggesting we remove the Group from
LinkedIn, and just have the company page.
What do people think about this?
Best wishes,
Nick Bearman | OSGeo:UK Chair
+44 (0) 7717745715
nick at nickbearman.com
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Due to my own life/work balance, you may get emails from me outside of normal working hours. Please do not feel any pressure to respond outside of your own working pattern.
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