[UN] March updates

Maria Antonia Brovelli maria.brovelli at polimi.it
Fri Mar 9 11:38:41 PST 2018

Dear All

here some updates about the activities of the UN Committee.

The Initiative "UN Open GIS" is going ahead regularly.

1) Jeff has started his activity as Chair of the Technical Advisory Group.

2) I recall you that, if you are interested, there is a a regular VTC of UN Open GIS Initiative every month (the second Wednesday of the month at 3 pm Italy time).

3) Serena and I have been working hard for preparing the Open Call "Capacity Building for UN". Unfortunately we didn't get from the OSGeo Board the whole budget for the three Calls we had in mind, but I was able to find a solution: Boundless will sponsor the first Call.

I recall you that the Open Call will be for producing Training Material for:

a) UN Open GIS Spiral 1 (The web geo platform of the project and the mobile app: GeoSHAPE Exchange and GeoSHAPE Anywhere)

b) UN Open GIS Spiral 2 (specific functionalities developed following the requests of the UN staff and not yet available in OS products. They are now available as WPSs)

c) global open data (high resolution included) and open source GIS.

Serena and I hope to be able to publish the three calls at the end of this month.

4) There are two important appointments for the UN Open GIS Initiative:

  *   Operational Demonstration of Spiral 1 in Entebbe (April 2018)
  *   3rd UN Open GIS Workshop in Berlin (May 2018)

Due to economic restrictions (the small budget we have as Committee), I will be able only to participate to the former. I will report you after the event about the progress in Spiral 1.

Please stay tuned, waiting for the Open Calls. They are meant for (young) researchers and educators and the proposal, as said,  is to produce training material similar to what is already available for other projects (like QGIS GeoAcademy or Boundless GIS, just to mention the two that we already used for the UN Open GIS Capacity Building).

Sorry for my long email, but I wanted to update you on what is going on.
Lovely weekend to everybody.

Have a good reading:


Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli
Professor of GIS and Digital Mapping
Politecnico di Milano

P.zza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - Building 3 - 20133 Milano (Italy)
Tel. +39-02-23996242 - Mob. +39-328-0023867,  <mailto:maria.brovelli at polimi.it> maria.brovelli at polimi.it

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