[UN] Invitation to participate in first UN meetings

Ariel Anthieni aanthieni at kan.com.ar
Wed Jun 26 03:12:14 PDT 2024

Dear community,
I hope you are doing very well, my idea as the new Chair of the OSGeo UN
Committee is to resume the meetings and update the list of active members
The proposal is July 17 at 18 UTC via the Meet
<https://meet.google.com/umv-ppde-ubp?hs=122&authuser=0> platform.
We will be sending the agenda as soon as possible.

Also, if anyone else will be attending the OSPO 2024
<https://www.un.org/techenvoy/content/ospos-good-2024> in New York I hope
to see you there.

Best regards.

Chair UN Committee OSGeo
Vice President OSGeo (Latam/America)
Board Member OSGeo
President Geolibres Argentina
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