[US] Booth at Michigan IMAGIN Conference

Jessica Kane jkane at line-45.com
Wed Apr 17 14:38:25 PDT 2019

Greetings all!

The statewide GIS conference in MI (IMAGIN
<https://imagin.org/annual_conference_home>) is in June. Historically this
has been an Esri-heavy conference but there are a few open source
presentations this year!

I'm willing to organize and man an OSGeo US chapter booth between sessions.
I was wondering if this group is willing/able to pay the $550 for the booth
(silver sponsor <https://imagin.org/conf_sponsor>). I'd also need printed
materials to hand out which I could print myself if this group has a
digital file you can send for brochures/flyers? Does OSGeo US have any
booth materials? If so, an additional $100 to cover some of the shipping
costs would be great.

If the booth idea doesn't work out, at the very least I'd like to hand out
information at my session about the OSGeo US chapter and open source GIS in
general. If you have good materials that I can print and hand out, please
email them to me.



Jessica Kane
Line 45, LLC
Mapping & Software Solutions
(833) 254-6345 Ext 701
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