[US] Fwd: Re help with parsing grc/grd files in python
Venkat Gorripati
gvenkat72 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 12:22:26 PDT 2020
I am trying to parse some .grc/.grd/.tab files (mapinfo Gis tool files) and
get some data as data-frame and write to Hive
One of my colleague wrote this in R
He is using rgdal and raster libraries
Here is his code to process grc file
parse_grc <- function(file_name){
tab_grc <- raster(paste0(file_name, ".grc"))
grc_data <- as.data.frame(rasterToPoints(tab_grc))
coordinates(grc_data) <- ~x+y
crs(grc_data) <- crs(tab_grc)
grc_data <- spTransform(grc_data, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
site_info <- as.data.frame(tab_grc at data@attributes)
grc_data %>%
as.tibble() %>%
rename(id = contains(".")) %>%
inner_join(site_info, c("id" = "ID")) %>%
select(-id) %>%
rename(sector = category) %>%
mutate(flname = file_name) %>%
separate(flname, into = c("type", "mkt", "band"),
sep = "-", remove = TRUE) -> grc_df
In Python , I am using gdal , but Did not find the API’s like the once in R
Do you know any other libraries in Python that are close to rasters library
in R
Any direction is much appreciated
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