[Valencia] 52ºNorth para el GSoC

Víctor González victorzinho at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 06:55:32 EDT 2012


Me han enviado un correo la gente de 52ºNorth para comentarme que han sido
aceptados como organización para el GSoC. A mí me trataron muy bien cuando
estuve allí, la gente tiene nivel y hace cosas chulas. Así que, si sabéis
de algún estudiante de temas SIG que esté interesado, que sepa que aparte
de OSGeo también tiene esta posibilidad ;-) Os copio abajo el texto.

Un saludo,


52°North is pleased to announce that it has been chosen to be a mentoring
organization for this year’s Google Summer of Code
GSoC is a global program that offers students stipends to write code for
open source projects. Google pays the stipend recipient $ 5.000,- for 3
months of software development for 52°North this summer. A mentor from a
52°North partner organization supervises the student during this period.

As such, we now look for students who are interested in writing code
for various
52°North projects <https://wiki.52north.org/bin/view/Main/GSoC2012IdeasPage> or
in submitting their own project ideas. The overall goals are to improve
usability of products and to extend the user base to new domains.

If you have students who are interested in writing code for software
developed by the 52°North communities, please have them look at
https://wiki.52north.org/bin/view/Main/GSoC2012. Student application opens
on March 26, 2012 at 19:00 UTC. The deadline is April 6, 2012 at 19:00 UTC.
Please feel free to contact Daniel Nüst (d.nuest en 52north.org) with any
questions or join us at *irc.freenode.net* *#52north*.
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