[vector-tiles] Quad Tree Tiling

Takagi Satoru satakagi at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 23:41:00 PDT 2018

I posted a slide on slideshare about the improved Quad Tree Tiling
considering the Level of Detail.

It named Quad Tree "Composite" Tiling, as it mixes vectors and rasters and
mixes multiple levels of tiles.


2018年1月10日(水) 12:45 Takagi Satoru <satakagi at gmail.com>:

> Hello,
> I am a developer of web mapping system in Japan.
> I was developing a system with my own framework (called svgMap*3)
> developed by myself.
> Also I am poor in English, so I am slow to understand the concepts in
> osgeo.
> Well, I seem to have developed about vector tiling for many years.
> However, it is not an equally spaced mesh tile. The framework I build
> accepts tiles in free areas. And by applying it, I am building a system
> that generates content as a tile of quad tree according to the density of
> data. Does the osgeo community consider the Web Mapping system by such a
> concept?
> The merit of the quad tree tile is described here*1 and here*2, for
> example. And I feel the same merit.
> In addition, I find commonality concept in CESIUM 3D Tiles.
> *1: http://engblog.yext.com/post/geolocation-caching
> *2:
> https://robots.thoughtbot.com/how-to-handle-large-amounts-of-data-on-maps
> *3: http://svgmap.org/
> Regards,
> Satoru
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