[VisCom] Shirt order

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Fri Jul 14 23:36:54 EDT 2006

On 14-Jul-06, at 7:44 PM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
> But make sure they don't still have my credit card number on file :-(

I will make sure ! :)

> Also, since you've done the research now, can you put the cost-per- 
> shirt breakdown on the Shirts wiki page, so we'll know next time.

Roger that - just want to make sure it does, in the end, cost what  
the online tool says.

> ((how do you plan to handle shipping?  directly to the conference  
> hotel, or..?))

I'll have them sent to one of our local OSCON participants like Aaron  
or Anselm.


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