FW: Motion re: Shirt order

Grignon, Alain agrignon at NRCan.gc.ca
Mon Jul 17 07:45:02 EDT 2006

Hello All,

I think Tyler's motion is viable, considering volunteers at the booth should all have a T-shirt on. That being said, I would further suggest that rather have to order a relatively small number of t0shirts for every conference, it might be more cost effective to order a large quantity now that we can then have shipped to multiple conferences during the year.

Just my thoughts, given the urgency for the T-shirts now though, I think it isn't unreasonable to get the t-shirts done.


Alain Grignon
Landslide GIS Specialist / Spécialiste SIG en glissements de terrains
Geological Survey of Canada / Commission géologique du Canada
601 Booth st. / 601 rue Booth
Ottawa, Ont.
Tel: (613) 947-8773

-----Original Message-----
From: Tyler Mitchell [mailto:tylermitchell at shaw.ca] 
Sent: July 15, 2006 10:48 AM
To: Grignon, Alain
Subject: Re: Motion re: Shirt order

Good morning,
Thanks a lot for the note - I'm happy to hear you are still interested.  It's going to be a busy fall :)


On 15-Jul-06, at 6:18 AM, Grignon, Alain wrote:

> Tyler,
> I'm still on board, I just haven't had much time to commit to it.  
> That said, i'm still very much on board and will look at your motion 
> tomorrow.
> Thamks for the heads up.
> Alain
> --------------------------
> Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tyler Mitchell <tylermitchell at shaw.ca>
> To: Grignon, Alain
> Sent: Fri Jul 14 23:58:55 2006
> Subject: Motion re: Shirt order
> Salut Alain,
> Since I joined Viscom, I haven't seen you around - is everything ok?  
> I'm not writing to pester you about VisCom attendance, but I see you 
> are a member - do you think you will have more time to commit in the 
> future, or is it not going to work out?
> You are still an official member of the committee and I would 
> encourage you to vote on the motion I just sent out.  I know it's not 
> a huge deal, but because many of our committee are away or unreachable 
> it would help us get this motion passed quickly - does that make 
> sense?
> Let me know how you are doing.
> Take care,
> Tyler
> Begin forwarded message:
> 	From: Tyler Mitchell <tylermitchell at shaw.ca>
> 	Date: July 14, 2006 8:52:59 PM PDT (CA)
> 	To: dev at visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org
> 	Subject: [VisCom] Motion re: Shirt order
> 	Reply-To: dev at visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org
> 	I would like to do this 'proper' way and make a motion... though I 
> realise some of our group are unreachable at the moment:
> 	***
> 	I move that we order less than $300 worth of OSGeo t-shirts for 
> volunteers who are managing the OSGeo booth and presence at OSCON, as 
> well as a few extras to give away at the conference or keep on- hand 
> for other events.
> 	***
> 	Please reply with a vote!
> 	On 14-Jul-06, at 5:19 PM, Tyler Mitchell wrote:
> 		Hi all,
> 		In anticipation for OSCON I would like to order some shirts.   
> Based on my quick check it's relatively cheap to get these done.   
> To just cover off folks at OSCON (plus a few extras) I need about 
> $200.  Does anyone object to me ordering shirts to cover the folks who 
> need them at the conference (~10), plus a couple for them to give 
> away?
> 		I need to then pass this on to the board for approval, so please 
> respond with your two bits ASAP.
> 		Tyler
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