[VisCom] Re: OSGEO participation in Map Asia 2006 in Bangkok

Pericles S. Nacionales naci0002 at umn.edu
Fri Jul 21 20:55:29 EDT 2006

Perhaps Mr. Toru Mori at Orkney would be attending and would be able to help 
as well?


On Friday 21 July 2006 19:31, Venkatesh Raghavan wrote:
> Dear Srinivasan,
> A brief background about OSGeo promotion at MapAsia 2006.
> Mr. Sanjay Kumar, CEO, GIS Development has offered a 50%
> concession for booth space at MapAsia 2006 for OSGeo.
> I am still not sure is the OSGeo budget permits us to
> put up an OSGeo Booth at MapAsia 2006.
> Mr. Sanjay Kumar has also offered to distribute freely
> the OSGeo Brochures and put up OSGeo posters at MapAsia
> 2006. The OSGeo promotion materials are already available
> in digital form at the OSGeo Website. If sufficient copies
> (1000) of the brochures and some posters could be sent to
> MapAsia 2006 Secretariat below, the organizers will take
> care of distribution and display. Printing of the brochures
> and posters in Thailand would cost 600-700 US$.
> *******
> Map Asia 2006 Secretariat
> Room No. 405 Maple House Executive Apartment
> 417, Sathon 11 (Narathiwat Ratchanakharin 10), Sathon, Bangkok 10120
> Tel: +66-0-2676 2050-60 Ext. 405  Telefax: +66-0-2676 2063 Email:
> info at mapasia.org *******
> I understand that OSGeo brochures and posters distributed at Where2.0
> were printed at Autodesk, USA (someone at OSGEO Viscom can correct me
> if I am wrong).
> It is great know about Autodesk's interest to promote
> OSGeo at MapAsia 2006. It would be nice if the OSGeo
> posters could be put up at the Autodesk booth. Further,
> it would be great if Autodesk could support the printing
> of the OSGeo brochures in Singapore or Thailand for distribution
> to the participants.
> I will not be in a position to attend MapAsia 2006 due to other
> engagements during the conference. It would be possible for me
> to ask some OSGeo supporters in Bangkok to provide help out in
> the OSGeo promotion and also arrange for some demos and talks on
> OSGeo based applications.
> I hope you can also suggest some ways for promoting OSGeo at
> MapAsia 2006.
> I am also marking a CC of this mail to OSGeo Visibility Committee
> and OSGeo Board for their feedback.
> You can call-up on me, if you happen to be in Japan. BTW, Mori-san
> is scheduled to give a lecture related to OSGeo at my Universty
> in Osaka on 2nd Nov. 2006. Perhaps it would be a nice time to have
> a face-to-face in Osaka then with some other OSGeo enthusiasts in
> Japan too.
> Kind regards
> Venkatesh
> -------------
> Prof. Venkatesh Raghavan
> Osaka City University
> Srinivasan Venkattappan wrote:
> > Mr. Raghavan,
> > Is there any news from your side on this?
> >
> > From my side, I am still waiting for our HQ marketing to share more
> > details.
> >
> > Thanks and regards
> > KG
> >
> >   _____
> >
> > From: Srinivasan Venkattappan
> > Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 8:18 PM
> > To: 'raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp'
> > Subject: OSGEO participation in Map Asia 2006 in Bangkok
> >
> >
> > Dear Mr. Raghavan,
> > I am Srinivasan from Autodesk, Asia Pacific office in Singapore. I am
> > responsible for our Infrastructure products/solutions sales in APAC
> > regions. I have been working with our Japan team (Kazunori Noda) and
> > Mori-san (Orkney) on acitivities related to Mapguide Open Source for
> > Japan. I came to know about your good work and contributions to the
> > OSGEO foundation recently. Hence, I was suggesting to our team to plan
> > for a meeting with you during my next visit to Japan. It looks like we
> > might be able to meet in Bangkok instead...
> >
> > In the context of OSGEO foundation and Autodesk Mapguide Open Source
> > project, I have been informed by our corporate office that OSGEO
> > foundation is interested in promoting and exhibiting OSGEO Foundation in
> > the upcoming Map Asia event in Bangkok during Aug 29 - Sep 1.
> >
> > FYI, Autodesk will be taking up an exhibition booth and perhaps some
> > speaking slot at the conference. We are also making some arrangements to
> > get some PR during that time.
> >
> > We will be very glad to co-ordinate any logisitics support as required
> > by OSGEO foundation. Our corporate is working with the Foundation team
> > to plan what needs to be done to make this happen at HQ level. On the
> > ground level, we can execute on that plan.
> >
> > Please let us know how we can work together on this, while I check at my
> > end on the same.
> >
> > Thanks and look forward to meeting you soon
> >
> > Srinivasan V (KG)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Pericles S. Nacionales
Conservation Biology Program
University of Minnesota
e-mail: naci0002 at umn.edu

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