[VisCom] Re: Your Project at Where 2.0

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Wed May 17 17:58:02 EDT 2006

Great, that's the hope, is to make some great re-usable stuff.  Now, I'm just 
sitting and waiting for some more material :)


On Wednesday 17 May 2006 14:48, Pericles S. Nacionales wrote:
> I'd like to echo Steve's request for brochures.  I will be attending the
> ESIP Federation's summer meeting in New York in the middle of June and
> will be more than happy to give out brochures to interested
> participants. The ESIPFed's website is at http://www.esipfed.org, if you
> are curious or interested to know more about them.
> -Perry
> Steve Lime wrote:
> > I was thinking of other projects as well. I get called on to do demos and
> > stuff like that at a fair bit. That's a great time to say "have you heard
> > about these tools as well?". Wrapped with a OSGeo piece it would be a
> > nice packet to be able to hand out.
> >
> > If it doesn't work out for June 1st that's no biggie...
> >
> > Steve
> >
> >>>> Tyler Mitchell <tylermitchell at shaw.ca> 5/17/2006 12:45:40 PM >>>
> >
> > On Wednesday 17 May 2006 08:49, Steve Lime wrote:
> >> Tyler: What will be the opportunities for using the materials for other
> >> events? For instance we have one comming up on June 1st here in MN. Will
> >> brochures be downloadable? Will they even be ready by the 1st? If one
> >> needed 100 copies is that something OSGeo would foot the bill for?
> >
> > Hi Steve,
> > We haven't gotten that far yet in our planning specifically around the
> > brochures, but I would fully expect to have downloadable versions that
> > you could print yourself.  I'm picturing a single-sided letter sized page
> > that can be easily reproduced.  Perhaps with enough notice we can do
> > something fancier, but having something basic isn't out of the question.
> >
> > We are still working on a template for the brochures.  Depending on how
> > quickly that is wrapped up and how soon I get everyone's information,
> > June 1st might be possible.  It's something we might be able to aim for. 
> > I'll talk about it with VisCom and see what we can commit to.
> >
> > Were you thinking about just MapServer, or all the other projects as
> > well?
> >
> > Tyler
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