[VisCom] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo at events? GISBrasil - august 2006]

pmarc paulomarcondes at gmail.com
Thu May 25 11:57:01 EDT 2006

2006/5/24, Arnulf Christl (CCGIS) <arnulf.christl at ccgis.de>:
> I will added this event to the agenda of the VisCom meeting tomorrow and
> we will try to work out how to go about it. After all you said and what I
> know about the OS market in Brazil my personal opinion is that we should
> try hard to get a foot in the door there.

As I said before, I can lend a hand (or two), if you need.
As the brazilian GRASS translator, it should help to get in touch with
my public ;D

Paulo Marcondes = PU1/PU2PIX
-22.915 -42.229 = GG87vc (http://www.amsat.org/cgi-bin/gridconv)
Debian GNU/Linux = http://rj.debianbrasil.org = http://www.debian.org

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