FW: [VisCom] OSGeo Promotions/Workshop in Vietnam

venka.osgeo venka.osgeo at gmail.com
Fri Oct 27 02:47:00 EDT 2006

Chris Holmes wrote:
> It's $1000 to print brochures, make cds and put up a banner?

I (we) were meaning something more serious that that.
If distribution brochures, CDs and putting up banners
was the only interntion, I could do it myself and
probably hand the banner on my back. As some of
you may know, they do this quite effectively to
advertise cabaret shows here in Japan.

We are not passing around a hat around looking
for alms. Trying to convince a bunch of
educators, government officials and
researchers in Vietnam to use and enhance OSGeo

> Are we 'sponsoring' this event?  Or are we just providing material to 
> run a booth and get people t-shirts?

"sponsorship" would cost and has to discussed
with the local organizers.

A lot was spent (by Autodesk) to "run a booth" and
"get people t-shirts" at the Map Asia 2006 to promote OSGeo.
Volunteers including (my students and colleagues) sweated
it out to convince 500 delegates that OSGeo was doing
great thing.

The China OSGeo Chapter (I am also an advisor there), bore all
expenses to invite VisCom Chair to attend the inaugural
event of China OSGeo Chapter.

The organization that I belong is bearing almost one third
of the expenses (in-kind excluded) for the symposium in
Vietnam. I just made an informal request to VisCom because
I think the organizers would treat OSGeo promotion as
a very important thing.

> Sorry I didn't make the meeting, I guess I missed the reminder (and 
> probably had another call at the same time anyways), are the minutes up?

Sorry, was unable to attend the meeting too. Will read the
minutes when I find more time


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